Crunches are one of the most popular and classic core exercises. Performing Crunches trains your abdominal muscles that is part of your core.
They are one of the exercise that i see many people perform incorrectly in the gym. Getting your form correct while doing crunches can help you in getting the best results when doing crunches. Correcting your form while doing crunches will also prevent you from straining your neck muscle and avoid lower back injuries.
Doing this does not require any equipment, that is why you can do crunches any place.
There is small changes need to do different types.
Performing crunches to strengthen your core can be beneficial to your overall core muscles.A strengthened core can promote balance and stability , help you perform better at sports and help you with your posture.
They are perfect for toning your ab muscles.They cause hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles.
If you looking for a well-rounded core routine then crunches is a go to exercise. Crunches targets one out of four muscle groups for your abs because your core is usually made up of four muscles groups. They will work for every angle of your core.
Different types to targets different types of core muscle groups.
How to do do Crunches?

Follow this step by step guide to get start doing themcorrectly :
STEP 1 :
Lie flat on a training mat to support your back with your knees bent and as wide as your hips and your feet must be flat on the floor.
STEP 2 :
Tighten your abs and keep your abs flexed during the crunches.
STEP 3 :
Your hands showed be placed behind your head.
STEP 5 :
Widen your elbows then use your abs to lift your head and elbows off the ground the ground while flexing your abs.
Step 6:
Repeat all the steps going back to lying flat on you back with your head on the ground.
Some types of Crunches?
Bicycle crunch

Performing bicycle crunches works your upper abs and rectus abdomens.
Put your hands behind your head and lay straight on your back then lift your knee towards your chest.
Now rotate your leg movement bending your left leg towards your chest then right leg towards your chest.
The motion needs to look like you are riding a bicycle.
Do this all in one motion for about 10 seconds.
Double Crunch

Double crunches is where you lie flat on your back putting your hands behind you head and legs up at 90 degrees.Now lift your shoulders and head off the ground and bed your legs 90 degrees and stay in that position for 10 to 20 seconds.Now keep repeating this exercise for as many reps as you can.
Twisted Crunch

Twisted crunches is done by lying flat on the floor mat raising yourself to the right side and then the left side. Doing this exercise helps you in flatting the stomach side muscles and is the best exercise for weight loss.
Reverse Crunch

Both Neck and lower back remain on the ground as you perform the exercise with legs and abs curling inwards towards the chest. By doing this exercise there is less strain on your neck and lower back unlike other ab execises.
Please see below video to get more information on how to do a reverse crunch:
Last word
These are good ab exercises which don’t require and equipment and works your abs all round following the different mentioned ab exercise which can help tone your abs, build six-packs, and even flatten your lower abs.