muscle – FITNESS & BODYBUILDING VOLT Sat, 29 Jul 2023 18:05:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 muscle – FITNESS & BODYBUILDING VOLT 32 32 Chest workouts at the gym guide and how todo them FOR BEGINNERS Sat, 20 Feb 2021 17:45:37 +0000 When it comes to our health, we must stay fit and keep our body in shape. For that, we need to indulge ourselves in regular physical activity and exercises. It is not only required for those who want to have a body like those professional athletes, but for everyone, irrespective of age should at least do some kind of physical activities like doing a chest workouts at the gym.

Doing exercises will ultimately promote better health, and in every stage of their life, they will be able to stay active and productive. It won’t matter what kind of body type you have as long as you are healthy and fit in the long run.

There are many types of exercises, but the most preferred one by this young generation is the chest workout. It is a type of workout which will shape your upper-body by strengthening it.

Chest workouts

The process will include a few steps, and that is :

  • The pectorals or chest
  • Deltoids or shoulders
  • Triceps or arms

If you are serious about your chest workout, we would recommend you to use the better form and effective techniques. It will be safer in that way as well. Those who are just trying to step their foot in the workout universe to become healthy and form an attractive shape should definitely consider finding a personal trainer. The professional help will be appreciated by you as the trainer will always monitor your form, observe your exercises, and time to time will give you suggestions.

The benefits of doing Chest workouts at the gym

The benefits of doing Chest workouts at the gym

Before we dive into the details of the benefits you can have by doing proper chest workouts, first, take a moment and learn some basics. This particular workout is made to make a chest look strong, round, and firm at the same time.

When it comes to the types of Chest workouts at the gym, know that there are plenty of ways. But according to the professionals, a traditional bench press is the most preferred and effective form of exercise. When you will do the bench press, your chest size and strength will increase simultaneously.

Also, the lower part of your chest will get proper help from this one, and the strength of that part will also increase slowly. The lower part of a chest is important for most men. There is a misconception that some individuals think increasing the upper chest’s strength is important, whereas another group thinks the opposite. They are in favour of building up the lower chest strength.

But according to experts, each part is equally important to create a beautifully shaped and stronger chest. Now, let’s discuss the chest workouts benefits.

Better breathing

You will be able to possess better breathing quality which is very important for every human. Chest workout will strengthen and broaden your chest muscle, which will ultimately provide a good support to deep breathing and good posture. Your pecs are attached to your ribs, and that’s how it supports your breathing.

Better posture

Pecs are known to be one of the biggest muscles in the upper part of a human body. Those pecs are very important in order to improve the posture of your body shape. Along with these, pecs also help your back and shoulder muscles and shoulder joint as well.

Breast support is needed

There is a belief that has been going on for decades among those who workout or interested in doing so, that is the chest workout will make the breasts smaller with time. But when you will do the pectoral exercises, you will have the opposite outcome. In this workout, the muscles around the breasts get bigger and eventually will work as great support.

Additional perks

People use their pecs a lot during a lot of activities knowingly or unknowingly. Whenever you will do something that involves squeezing, holding, pressing, and lifting of any kind, your pecs will be the one which will provide the most support. That’s why by doing chest workout, your chest will become stronger and then you will have fewer issues while doing things that need the strength of your chest.

Frequently asked questions about Chest workouts at the gym

How will you master bench press?

Chest workouts

The tips

If you are new at this, first you need to know about the basics obviously. Then you can go and look further about things that will improve your moves. Or, you can take the help of your trainer’s advice and do as you are told. Follow these steps-

  • First, relax and then lie flat on a bench.
  • You have to use your grip to hold the bar with hands. The posture should be wider than the shoulder. In this way, when you will move at the bottom, your hands will stay exactly above your elbows. It will help you to generate ultimate force.
  • While using the bar, bring it down slowly. It should be brought to your chest when you breathe in.
  • Then you have to do push up while breathing out. Make sure to grip the bar strongly and watch a particular spot above your head, and it will help you to grasp the way the bars will travel each time.

How to do cable crossover?

How to do cable crossover?

Below we have tried to discuss the basic step guide of doing cable cross over workout.

  1. Mid cable crossover workout
  • For the machine, you will use, make sure to attach one grip handle to both sides at your armpit. It will be on your shoulder level.
  • Stand between the pulleys after that and hold both the handles.
  • Then you can start and take some forward steps. During that time, use your foot in front to keep the balance.
  • In this position, your elbows will stay bent a bit. Then you need to bring both of your hands by moving the arms. The movement will happen in a semicircular motion. Be that way for two seconds at least.
  • Then make the reverse motion. Bring your arms back and do that until your chest feels a small stretch.
  • You should repeat this move as long as you think you should.
  1. Low cable cross workout
  • Like the mid cable crossover, you have to use your single grip and attach it to hold the handle. It should come down to the lowest notch.
  • Hold both handles and stand properly. Your position should be between the pulleys.
  • Your elbows will bend a bit again, and then you have to take one step ahead by one foot.
  • After that, both of your arms will be used to go upward above the upper part of your chest.
  • Wait for two seconds, and then lower your arms back down. Do that until you again feel that stretch in your chest.
  • Then repeat all these movements a few times as you can.
  1. High cable cross over workout
  • This time hold the handle to the highest notch of the cable machine on both sides.
  • Stand between the pulleys and the whole time holding the handles properly.
  • Make sure to bring both pulleys down to your mid-thigh level and stay for two seconds again.
  • Then slowly raise the arms back where your elbows will be flared out, and you will feel a small stretch in the chest. Repeat the movement a few times.

What are the effective tips for performing chest press?

What are the effective tips for performing chest press?

The necessary tips

To hold a better form, before you start your chest exercise, follow these below tips-

  • You have to keep your spine flat when you will do the workout. Make sure to avoid arching the lower portion of your back.
  • During your exercise, you have to press your head, shoulders, and hips into the bench all the time.
  • To make it easier, you can use a raised platform under your feet during the exercise period.
  • It is then recommended to press your feet onto the floor or platform while you do the workout.
  • If you are trying to have better triceps, you need to use your elbows close to both sides.
  • To have better pectorals, you should use your elbows and flare them out of your body.
  • Make sure that your wrists remain neutral while the whole workout happens. Otherwise, they can bend in opposite directions, and you will be hurt.

Steps of doing the chest press(Chest workouts at the gym)

  • First, you have to lie on a flat bench while pressing your feet into the workout area floor.
  • Then make sure to move your shoulders down and back. You have to do this so that you can press these body parts of yours onto the bench.
  • You can then choose to hold two dumbbells with your hands and make sure to face them forward. Your thumbs need to be wrapped around the handle of the dumbbells.
  • Breath in at first and try to lower the dumbbells slowly wider than the middle portion of your chest area. Control the motions.
  • The dumbbells need to be touched to your chest while doing the chest press.
  • Breathe out and press the arms upwards. While doing that, make sure that your elbows are bent. (slightly)
  • You should be able to see your dumbbells. So, position them below your eye level and observe.
  • Then count from two to three sets and repeat the sets from eight to fifteen times.

How will you avoid having an injury while doing Chest workouts at the gym?

How will you avoid having an injury while doing Chest workouts at the gym?

Sometimes, while doing workouts, people get injured because they don’t concentrate properly, and at times it can cause a lot of damage. It is advised that you stay safe and do the chest press carefully and always stay cautious for your own safety.

It is recommended that you consult with your physicians before starting any kind of new form of exercises. It will be helpful for those who have earlier injuries or any medical conditions.

  1. First, warmup and cool down is needed

When you start your chest workout, make sure to warm up for at least five to ten minutes. It can be anything like running, jumping, jogging, stretching the arms, chest, shoulders, etc.

After every warmup process, make sure to take a little bit of pause or rest.

  1. Begin the workout with small weights

It is advised that the individual should start your workout phase with the lowest weights. Then, try to build up the weight slowly after you grasp the fundamental technique of the workout.

According to experts, beginners should use a spotter as it will be beneficial for them. It will help you to hold your weights. You can keep checking your form, your movements, and also never forget to use the proper weight. So, check it from time to time.

Every week do it two to three times at least

Every week do it two to three times at least

The chest press workout is very necessary to form your chest’s shape, and we have already discussed how beneficial it is for everyone. As you will spend your time and effort in this particular phase, it would be wise for you to utilize every second of it and wasting the moments or skipping the steps will be doing a disservice to your physical health.

So, we advise you to add this particular chest press workout to your other exercises routine and do it at least two to three times every week. Then take one day pause to heal the tired muscles of yours. It will balance the overall workout stress of your body.

Make sure to keep doing your shoulder straightening as well. It will help prevent future injuries of yours, which can happen while you lift weights of any kind.

You are not told to overdo yourself. Only do as much as your body can take. Don’t do anything which can cause stress or any kinds of pain on your muscle. If you are facing any pain, you need to stop immediately.

If you can follow all these we have discussed above, you will have a great shaped chest.

Different types of Chest workouts at the gym

  • Barbell Bench press.
  • Dumbbell bench press.
  • Incline bench press.
  • Decline bench press.
  • Machine bench press.
  • Flies for chest.
  • Dumbbell pull overs.
  • Machine Fly.


The different types of Muscle Spasms and how to treat them Tue, 16 Feb 2021 18:54:19 +0000 What is a muscle spasms?

Also known as muscle spasms,cramps happens when Muscles involuntarily contracts by force which means the muscle cannot relax.The spasms can affect any muscle and can affect several muscles at the same time.

What does a muscle spasm feel like?

There is a range in muscle spasms severity from mild to severe pain. The spasmming muscles may feel harder then normal. Spasms may last from seconds,hours or days.

Most common muscle spasms are:








1.Thigh muscle spasm

This is due to the sudden contraction in your leg muscles. They occur without warning.The causes of tigh muscle spasms can be caused by Inadequate Supply of Blood, Poor Blood Circulation, Deficiency of Minerals, dehydration, Muscle Fatigue, Nerve Compression.

The treatment that you can do for thigh muscle spasms are stretching,massaging, exercise and a hot water bottle (heat) for blood flow.

Causes Thigh muscle spasm

Poor blood situation

Not enough blood supply is responsible for thigh cramps.

Not enough minerals

Not enough minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium can cause thigh cramps. Medications for high blood pressure are also responsible for lack of these minerals in your body.

Nerve compression

Thigh muscles spasms can also cause nerve compression(Lumbar stenosis-Compression of nerves in your spine).

Spinal injury can cause this nerve compression.

muscle spasms

2.Calf muscle spasms

Causes of Calf spasms

Calve muscle spams Over exertion,not stretching,weak calve muscles or lack of salts and minerals.

You can do different treatments for calve muscle spasms standing wall stretch, seated towel stretch, calve raises on a step and using heat for the scarred tissue.

Muscle strain

This occurs when muscle fibers in the calf tears which are partially or completely.

Achilles tendinitis

Achilles tendon is a tough, fibrous band that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone.When calf muscles are especially tight, this will put extra pressure on the Achilles tendon.

People who recently started gym and do repetitive exercises will are more likely to experience Achilles tendinitis.

muscle spasms

3.Foot muscle spasms

Foot muscle spasms are usually on the top of your foot or around your toes.These spasms can limit your mobility.

Light foot cramps can go away with stretching or some some massaging but chronic foot cramps will have to be evaluated b your doctor

Causes of foot spasms


Your body becomes dehydrated when you are not getting enough water for your organs and tissues to function.This means also that your muscles are not getting enough water they need, they then begin to malfunction.

Symptoms of dehydration

decreased urine output
dark, concentrated urine
dry mouth
chapped lips
dry skin
foul-smelling breath


Exercising and overusing one muscle for long periods of time on the foot.You might be also doing the exercise too fast or wrong.

muscle spasms

4.Arms muscle spasm

Arm spasms can become a very annoying condition and serious for some people.Arm spasms happen without any warning.This is caused when the muscles in the arm contract uncontrollably.It is a quick throbbing pain.

Causes of Arm spasms


This is caused by the tendons in your shoulder or arms which becomes inflamed which are bands of tissue which connect the muscles to the bone.

Heart problem

If you have a pain in your left arm it could be related to heart problem. Angina(the decrease in blood flow to the heart.).This can cause pain in the arm shoulder.You may also experience Chest pain or pressure, Shortness of breath, Dizziness and Nausea.


Overworking your arm muscles beyond the ability or limits of the human body.Weightlifters and people who lift heavy objects for a long period of time you can be susceptible to this.

muscle spasms

5.Abdomen muscle spasm

This spasm(Stomach spasms) commonly occurs when a physical or chemical change occurs in the body. Intestines act to food and medications within the body with contractions that can usually be unnoticed for a long time.Basically change in bodily fluid causes pain which can become a health concern.

Other causes can be indigestion and natural body changes during menstruation.The common location for this belly pain is usually below the belly button.

Causes of Abdomen spasms


Gas building up of gas in your stomach may cause your intestinal muscles to spasms when the body tries to release gas.

Symptoms can be a feeling of fullness, sharp stomach pain and an urge to pass gas or burb.


Dehydration of the body losing electrolytes caused by diarrhea, sweating and vomiting may result in muscle spasms through your whole body which includes you stomach. This causes extreme thirst, headaches and dizziness.

Muscle strain

Overworking your abdominal muscles could cause abdominal spasms. These abdominal spasms can also be caused by people who workout at the gym doing core exercises too much which leads to straining the muscle leaving the muscle with tenderness and pain.

muscle spasms

6.Back muscle spasm

This is one of the most common and temporary pain a person can suffer with.Some back pain can become chronically depending on where or what pain you experiencing. The closer the spasms are too the nerve or spin the worst and uncomfortable it can get.

Causes of Back spasms

Lifting heavy objects

This usually can happen with lifting heavy object with the incorrect posture.Some locations of back muscles can mean that something else is wrong with you body like refereed pain but this type of pain might be more chronic like arthritis.

Weak back muscles

If you have weak back muscles and lift heavy objects at work or train at the gym you might be using a lot of your back muscle and weak back muscles tend to pain or get scarred tissue.

muscle spasms

7.Knee muscle spasm

Knees act as shock absorbed same like the shocks of your cars.

Knee muscles spams can be painful and uncontrollable just like any other muscle spasms.Like normal muscle spasms are caused this can be caused by muscle spasms injuries, improper nutrition and various conditions of the nerve.Severity can increase with both age and strain on the muscles.

Contractions of muscles which are involuntarily contractions in the Knee, can be called “charley horse” , which can occur generally in muscles like the calf and hamstrings.

To prevent future cramps do regular stretching of the affected knee muscle.

Causes of Knee spasms

High body weight

All your body weight is placed on your knees so when you become overweight this starts putting extra pressure on the knee and cartilage,which can eventually lead to cartilage breakdown or osteoarthritis and the lack of blood flow to the knee which causes the knee to spasm.

Please lose weight this will allow less pressure on your knee and probably save the cartilage from breakdown.

Lifting heavy weights

Lifting heavy weights such as squatting may put a lot of pressure on your legs especially if you squat two too three times your body weight with no knee guard and your form is not correct.

Please read more about squats here.


More than 100 different types of arthritis exist like Osteoarthritis,Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout and Pseudogout.

muscle spasms

3 Muscle spasm treatments



3.Ice or heat


Stretching the Spasming muscle or the area where the spasm i can reduce the spasm pain or stop the pain from occurring.

Calf muscle spasm stretching

While lying down , stretch your leg and point your toes towards your head.

Hold this for 30 seconds.

You can use a band or a loop while stretching to pull your toes towards your head.

Thigh muscle spasm stretching

Get on the chair Stand and hold on to a chair for balance.
Grip your ankle, pull your foot up behind you toward your buttock.

Few stretches for back spasm

Walking around can help relieve some of the spasms by loosening your back muscles.

Use a Tennis ball to stretch back muscles:

Lie down flat on the floor with the tennis ball under your back wherever the spasms is for few minutes while you relaxing and breathing then gently rotate the tennis ball up and down on the area with the spasms.

Use a Foam roller to stretch back muscles:

Get a form roller lie flat gently rolling on it and just a little roll on the affected area.


muscle spasms


Massaging can be effective if you gently rub the muscle that is Spasming or by getting someone to pinch the affected Spasming area for a few minutes especially if it is your back.

muscle spasms

3.Ice or heat

For a persistent spasm apply ice an ice pack on the muscle for 15 to 20 minutes at time a few times a day.

A hot water bottle or a heating pad may be effective to the Spasming muscle for 15 to 20 minutes at a time , this will also allow blood flow to Spasming muscles.

muscle spasms


I recommend that when ever you get a muscle pain in any location of the body for more then two weeks you need to check it out by a doctor.

Always stretch before doing any exercise and make sure you take needed nutrients

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